Sunday, March 6, 2011

to alter or not to alter

How important do you think it is not to alter sports photography? even if it makes the image a little more interesting and doesn't affect the actual action done. whats your thoughts?


Jace said...

alter but not alter. i think it is perfectly acceptable to alter a sports photograph so long as it does not "alter" the truth of the image. taking out what i assume is the ski lift cable does not alter the truth of the image. in fact i do not see a reason to remove it. its presence does not effect the image. as far as color correction and curves and generally altering an image in order to accentuate what the human eye actually should without question utilize minor corrections as you have

gillm said...

ok, ya i usually alter the color and saturation any what not, and i didnt even notice i had taken out the cable, but i was focusing more on altering the sky behind the skier. the original photo is the one with the white sky and the new one which i find more appealing is the one with trees in the background which i had taken from another image.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a big deal as long as your selection lines aren't as obvious.

Ryan Kirk said...

dont alter objects. if it gets run by a magazine or company and pixels dont look right or something gets off it will ruin the credibilty of the image

Sean Foulkes said...

As long as you don't shop the actual athlete's action to exaggerate it, I'm fine with removing wires and random crap.

Tyler Busby said...

I like the frame around the non-altered image, you could use a speed light to pop the skier from the background.