Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Undergraduate Project Funding

Please check this out. Several students have received funding through USP. Come chat to me if you have an idea for a special project you want to get funded. Read on. The University has an Undergraduate Scholars Program that is dedicated to helping students pursue scholarly activities in all disciplines. Students working with a faculty mentor can apply for funding. (this may be their course instructor or other faculty) The deadline for full-year funding ($1500) is coming fast! Proposals need to be submitted by September 4th for full funding. Proposals submitted after September 4 are accepted for prorated funding. There is also the ability to apply for each semester ($750). Students who receive funding will participate in a presentation of their work in April of 2010. Many of you have mentored students in the past, and we want to thank you and encourage other faculty to let students know about this funding opportunity. Web site for full details:


Ian van Coller said...

As far as I understand USP grants may not be used for class projects. Check the website for guidelines.

zallen said...

I received a USP grant to work on the Bozeman Survey Project last semester. I got $750 to buy film, paper, ink costs..etc. It is well worth it! Dan Cornish and Ian Mcewen have also received grants from USP.

Ian van Coller said...

And Megan Sullivan