Keep and eye on this nifty new feature. Be a part of the community and support the people who will support you. It's important. You need this.
To view events, open the link in a new tab.
I want to post art openings, guest lectures, show deadlines. Anything about artists in Bozeman and MSU. And maybe even the surrounding area.
Also, if there are any events that you would like posted, email me at augustcary at gmail dot com. Or email Cam at cfosterphoto at gmail dot com.
love, Augie
Followed by a guest lecture in the Procrastinator, given by alum and Bozeman native Brian Van't Hull at 7:00. Should be impressive. He has worked on The Nightmare Before Christmas, done visual effects on all the LOTR movies, Forrest Gump, I Robot, King Kong and last but not least, (Oscar winning effects on) Coraline.
If you are interested in film and visual effects, you should go and be enriched. And show support for the School of Film and Photography and Natural History Film Making. SFPNHFM. Whoa.
Sorry for being such short notice...I'm trying my hardest!
Hey, ya!
Applications for Upheaval are due Friday, Nov 20th. That, my fellow students, is this friday. You may submit up to 20 pieces, and it costs ten bucks plus ten percent of sales. Do it! Put some padding in your wallet, or maybe buy some art and put padding in someone else's wallet. Buy a gift.
Remember, we make money not art.
The Upheaval (a revolution of the arts) show/sale is open from Nov 30th until Dec 3rd. Booyah
love, Augie
Freshly delivered this morning, photo checkout has received a new 16x20 contact printing frame from Bostick & Sullivan. It's made of elm, and still has that new-contact-printing-frame smell (varnish). It's available to check out now, if you're interested.
Also, while I'm thinking of it, checkout acquired two Garmin GPS units during the summer. Those of you participating in the Bozeman Survey Project may find these to be particularly helpful accessories.
Another subtle and recent addition to checkout's camera fleet recently came in the form of a Lomo LC-A donated to the department by Professor Christina Z. Anderson. It's an itty-bitty 35mm film camera, with a fixed 32mm 2.8 lens, and its only automatic feature is exposure. It's a little fancier than a Holga, but quite a bit smaller, so if you like saturated colors and a bit of vignetting, you should give this little camera a try.