Drove home to Idaho for a couple of days to see my puppies and the fam damily. On my way home I have to drove through the INL or Idaho National Laboratories. Its this thousands of acres government facility where they have nuclear materials. Its kind of shrouded in mystery what really goes on in it but they store and dispose of nuclear waste, kind of a big deal cause it sits above the aquifer for most of southern Idaho and its leaking. They also have a nuclear reactor of a submarine to train Navy personal in how to deal with problems and such. Every thing is spread out over hundreds of square miles in several separate facilities, but other than that I dont know what is up with it. I do know that if you stop for any reason, drive off the road or anything short of drive through, they send a couple of black SUVs out with armed guards to investigate. Nuclear materials = High security I guess. Anyways, some of the surrounding mountains. Second image is one of two lone mountains that stand in the facility. Im betting apocalypse bunkers. They always make their own weather which is cool.
Been having trouble with the colors though. The color is off from what I had in PS even though I saved their profile as sRGB. Anyone have some suggestions?
How did you do the jpeg compression on them for the web? If you did it at 10 you should have been fine, at 11 or 12 maybe it caused the problem, but other than that I don't know what it could be. The bottom one is beautiful!
How did you do the jpeg compression on them for the web? If you did it at 10 you should have been fine, at 11 or 12 maybe it caused the problem, but other than that I don't know what it could be. The bottom one is beautiful!
I think that they where compressed at 12. What kind of problems?
If you thought you were having an issue with the color is all I meant, but I think they look great.
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