Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
LOOK, Ian is a HEY HOT SHOT contender. Jen Bekman's photo contest is one of the best/hottest on the net. Good luck! (click link and scroll down)
Clean the studio
I came in Friday morning to find the photo studio looking like a tornado hit it. Please clean up after yourself. This includes everyone using the studio; 264, 342, seniors.
342 students. Gather your outdoor objects, wood, etc and take it home or return it outside.
-Studio stands and light stands go agains the wall between the cyc and cabinets in an orderly manner.
-Tabletops go against the wall far wall on the north side of the cabinets.
- Chairs and tables go against the north wall.
-Large sheets of corregated plastic fit behind the south side of the cyc.
-White reflectors, mirrors go behind the west edge of cyc.
-softboxes should hang from the hooks on rails or lay on top of the cabinets.
-The small rolls of background paper are the personal property of Dan Wise. Please return them to their boxes and place them to the left of the front door or your ability to borrow them will be revoked.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Respect the Studio
Portraiture workshop update
Sorry folks, Kelly's workshop has been postponed until further notice. I'll send out another announcement when we figure out a new time for it.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Photo Montage Triptych
repost and something fun
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Photographer Websites
I was having a conversation with a photo editor at a very large magazine last night and she made a comment that I feel compelled to share. I was helping her track down a particular photographer in Montana and when she went to his website she remarked, "Great, another flash site." She then went on to complain about what a pain flash sites are and how she wished photographers would stick with html. She added that she's tired of photographers showing off fancy websites but the photos are weak. Keep in mind this is an international consumer magazine that works 100% with freelancers. They know this business inside and out.
A few years back when I was a corporate photographer we routinely hired freelancers. If they didn't have a website we wouldn't hire them. If their website was a flash site, we couldn't view it because of our corporate firewalls, hence we wouldn't hire them.
A recent study was conducted through ASMP where editors and art directors were polled on promotional items and websites. The majority said they didn't like flash sites. This is something to keep in mind for anyone in the process of building a website.
Think about your audience and what they may be able to view or have the time to view.
Remember it's about your photos, now about your web design skills.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Advanced portraiture workshop
November 12th. 7:00pm. Photo Studio. Juniors and seniors.
Kelly has graciously volunteered to offer a lighting workshop for those of you who have already hit your junior level credit limit and can't take his studio class.
The workshop will cover portraiture lighting techniques beyond the basic key/fill that was taught in previous studio classes here.
Show up if you can, bring snacks to share...potluck type thing.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Bullet and the Boot still
Monday, October 15, 2007
cement mixer
New Project

Saturday, October 13, 2007
8x10 transparencies
Friday, October 12, 2007
Not a bad way to spend the afternoon
I just got back from out shooting on the mountain, above Kirks hill. I have been grouse hunting it lately and saw some stuff to that I wanted to shoot.
Referance image for where I was:
Pretty dense, making it hard to see very far. After I was out for a bit I packed up my stuff and started working my way back to my truck parked on a logging road down below. As I was getting close I was looking ahead to see where my truck was, to see a cougar 100ft down the hill from me looking at me. I grew up in Idaho and spent most of my time in and around the hills hunting and training and I only once saw a cougar, and even then it was on a far hillside. So im standing there and all the hair on my body stood on end and I froze. It looked at me for a sec then started to move, very quickly I might add, down the hill. Cougars dont really go for humans often unless they are small. I had my camera backpack on which isnt small and im about 5'6", so I dont think it would have come after me, but when you get to see how big they are (twice as big as a good sized Lab or Golden Retriever) I think anyone would freak. It was then I remembered my camera, which was on my tripod over my shoulder, but by the time I got it down and on, it was gone. I looked around to see if I could still see it but they are fast. Maybe next time.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Stephen Shore Video (s)
Here is a brief (11 minutes) video of Stephen Shore discussing his large-format compositions and other things photographic. Very interesting.
and, here's another video with Shore discussing his photographs of Andy Warhol and the Factory years.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Life of American Vagobonds

Ran across some images by and unknown photographer, so I spent some time digging around and found his website. His name is Mike Brodie but, he goes by the name The Polaroid Kidd. He has achieved his well know status at the age of 21. I'm really drawn to his images for how unique they are. He captures an interesting group of people and lifestyle unknown to me. The colors are great and images well composed, I wish that I had he time to just follow a group of people around and document their lives so. When I first saw the first few images I thought that it was a Vogue shoot. The way he shoots his images draws my attention to the clothes as much as the people.
EnjoyThe Color of our sins are saturated with passion
Monday, October 8, 2007
An interesting discussion on Vernacular Creativity (one of my personal interests) on Henry Jenkins (MIT Prof who studies popular culture) site today.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Death as art?
I may find this more abhorrent because I'm a vegetarian, and strongly believe in Animal Rights, but seriously... come on. The above images are C-Prints by artist Nathalia Edenmont from the Former Soviet Union. She kills and dismembers mice, rabbits, house cats, and chickens for the sake of her art. I can enjoy the formal beauty of her images but simply can't get over the fact that it's the shock value that she depends on to make here photographs noteworthy. Organizations like PETA have broken into the only gallery which will showcase her work, and destroyed exhibits.
Another artist that I have been reading about recently is Damien Hirst. He is being canonized as the UK's most famous living artist. He has been in the media lately because of his work "For the Love of God" in which he bedazzled a human skull with over 1,100 karats in diamonds set in platinum. It is in negotiations to be sold for $100,000,000, making it the highest selling piece of art in history. (I don't think he saw Blood Diamond). Anyway, the work of Hirst is often controversial. Second to his bling skull he is most famous for taking livestock, fish, and sharks and suspending them in formaldehyde, and plastic. His work reminds me of Bodyworlds which we've discussed a lot in past classes. But Bodyworlds isn't touted as and art exhibit, it is seen as scientific. What is so artistic about someone who takes a chainsaw to a calf and sticks it in a tank to compliment it's bisected mother? The strangest part is that there is far less controversy over Hirst's art than Edenmond. I believe this is because Hirst is not the killer of his subjects. It also goes to show you that the smaller and cuter the animal being disemboweled the greater the outrage.
I am left to wonder if Edenmont had turned a calf's head into a hand puppet, would she have been left alone? Or had she plasticized her pet cat instead of putting it's head on a floral pedestal would the public have cared?
Go forth and stick your dog in a tank of formaldehyde! It is art after all.

Friday, October 5, 2007
The Lovejoy Family
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Show update!
Cale and I have an opening at Wild Joe's tonight from 5 to 8, not 6 to 8 like I was originally told.
Come on down!
Wild Joe's tonight (October 3rd) from 5 to 8
Good times and free wine.
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